In order to strengthen the capacities and culture of responsible fishing in the crew of the small pelagic fishery fleet associated with the CNP, this year the training and reinforcement process has been carried out, which has followed the guidelines established in the Training and Development Plan of the Responsible Fishing Program, hereinafter PPR, of the SPS-FIP of the CNP.
The learning methodology proposed in the SPS-FIP Training Plan is aimed at improving skills and technical skills related to the strategy and development of responsible fishing in the crew; For this, the methodology contemplates three learning processes: experience (70% of learning), relationship (20% of learning), and training (10% of learning). The training process refers to traditional learning through courses, workshops or training, in this process the necessary knowledge is provided so that the crew members can put it into practice on the boats, giving way to the process of experience and relationship.
During 2021, through the Responsible Fishing Program, a total of 163 crew members were trained. Such training included 4 modules, on different topics and hours taught virtually, adding a total of 10 educational hours per crew member. In this way, the reinforcement training carried out in 2022 seeks to strengthen the knowledge provided in 2021, increase and improve the records collected by the vessels, as well as encourage the vessels to continue with the records on board and for more of them to join the program. responsible fishing program